Employment and Support Allowance claimants, disease code mental



Shows the proportion of people who are out of work and receiving Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)) with disease code 'Mental or Behavioural Disorders' (as a % of all working age adults). The Disease code is based on the medical reason for entitlement to Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance. All causes of incapacity referred to are based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 'Mental or Behavioural Disorders' are classified as ICD Codes F00-F99. ESA is a workless benefit payable to people who are out of work and have been assessed as being incapable of work due to illness or disability and who meet the appropriate contribution conditions. ESA replaced Incapacity Benefit for all new claimants from 2008. Note, since March 2016, ESA is being replaced by Universal Credit for new claimants. Rate calculated as = (Employment Support Allowance claimants, disease code mental)/(Population aged 16-64)*100

Date: Nov-20

Update frequency: Quarterly (published May 2021)

Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

People with mental health issues (receiving IB/ESA)



The figures for the number and proportion of people with mental health issues are based on the claimants of Incapacity Benefit who are claiming due to mental health related conditions. Incapacity Benefit is payable to persons unable to work due to illness or disability. Note, since March 2016, ESA is being replaced by Universal Credit for new claimants. Rate calculated as = (Employment Support Allowance/Incapacity Benefit claimants, disease code mental)/(Population aged 16-64)*100

Date: Nov-20

Update frequency: Quarterly (published May 2021)

Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP), mental health claimants



Shows the proportion of working age people receiving Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for mental health reasons. PIP helps with some of the extra costs caused by long-term disability, ill-health or terminal ill-health. From 8th April 2013 DWP started to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for working age people with PIP. Claimants are classified by primary health reason for making the claim using ICD summary disease codes. ICD (disease) summary code are based on the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, published by the World Health Organisation. The ICD code for those with mental health conditions is 'Mental AND Behavioural Disorders (F00 - F99)'. For reporting purposes, the disability conditions as recorded on the PIP IT system have been mapped to reflect as closely as possible the appropriate ICD10 code. Note only claims in payment are included in the indicator. Rate calculated as = (Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claims in payment )/(Total population aged 16-64)*100.

Date: Apr-21

Update frequency: Quarterly (published June 2021)

Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2019 Rank



The Indices of Deprivation 2019 are a relative measure of deprivation for small areas (Lower-layer Super Output Areas) across England. The overall Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 combines together indicators under seven different domains of deprivation: Income Deprivation; Employment Deprivation; Education Skills and Training Deprivation; Health Deprivation and Disability; Crime; Barriers to Housing and Services and Living Environment Deprivation. Data shows Average LSOA Rank, a lower rank indicates that an area is experiencing high levels of deprivation.

Date: 2019

Update frequency: Irregular (September 2019)

Source: Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 (IMD) Score



The Indices of Deprivation 2019 are a relative measure of deprivation for small areas (Lower-layer Super Output Areas) across England. The overall Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 combines together indicators under seven different domains of deprivation: Income Deprivation; Employment Deprivation; Education Skills and Training Deprivation; Health Deprivation and Disability; Crime; Barriers to Housing and Services and Living Environment Deprivation. A higher score indicates that an area is experiencing high levels of deprivation.

Date: 2019

Update frequency: Irregular (September 2019)

Source: Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)

COVID-19 vulnerability index (MSOA Level)



The COVID-19 vulnerability index combines multiple sources of (mostly) open data to identify vulnerable areas and groups within Local Authorities and neighbourhoods (MSOAs). The Index currently maps clinical vulnerability (underlying health conditions), demographic vulnerability (over-70s, people seeking asylum), social vulnerability (barriers to housing and services, poor living environment, living in left-behind areas, loneliness, digital exclusion), and health inequalities. Other vulnerabilities which will be added include: Mental health, Economic vulnerability, Social isolation and Physical isolation from supermarkets, pharmacies. The data presented is a score calculated from the overall ranks of MSOAs in England, apportioned down to Output Area using population weighted apportioning techniques. For detailed information about the methodological approach taken, please see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aWpzgvLKGEF5Ay_xVps17nnbT1zIEki7RGIIJXL5APo/edit#

Date: Dec-20

Update frequency: Regularly (British Red Cross are seeking to make regular revisions to incorporate new data)

Source: British Red Cross

Learning Disabilities prevalence



Shows the estimated percentage of Learning Disabilities prevalence. The estimate is calculated based on the number of people listed on GP registers in 2017/18, and the number of people recorded as having the relevant health conditions. The data from England's GP practices was published by NHS digital. Please note that these are only estimates and that they are sensitive to the accuracy of GP data reporting. For some conditions (e.g. obesity and dementia), GP-recorded prevalence is lower than the proportion of people living with the condition.
For full notes, methodology, and limitations, please see https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/social-policy/health/diseases/constituency-data-how-healthy-is-your-area/ for more details.\

Date: 2017/18

Update frequency: Published January 2019

Source: House of Commons Library

People over the age of 65 with bad or very bad health



Shows the proportion of people over the age of 65 that reported to have bad or very bad health. Figures are self-reported and taken from the 2011 Census.

Rate calculated as = (Bad or very bad health (census LC3206)/(Population aged 65+)*100

Date: 2011

Update frequency: 10 yearly (published July 2014)

Source: Census 2011

Serious Mental Illness prevalence



Shows the estimated percentage of Serious Mental Illness prevalence. The estimate is calculated based on the number of people listed on GP registers in 2017/18, and the number of people recorded as having the relevant health conditions. The data from England's GP practices was published by NHS digital. Please note that these are only estimates and that they are sensitive to the accuracy of GP data reporting. For some conditions (e.g. obesity and dementia), GP-recorded prevalence is lower than the proportion of people living with the condition.
For full notes, methodology, and limitations, please see https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/social-policy/health/diseases/constituency-data-how-healthy-is-your-area/ for more details.\

Date: 2017/18

Update frequency: Published January 2019

Source: House of Commons Library

Small Area Mental Health Index



No metadata.

Population aged 65+



Shows the proportion of people of pensionable age (aged 65+) as a percentage of the total population. These population figures are taken from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid Year Estimates. Rate calculated as = (Population aged 65+)/(Total population)*100

Date: 2019

Update frequency: Annually (published September 2020)

Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Total population



Shows total population of the area (all ages and genders). These population figures are taken from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid Year Estimates.

Date: 2019

Update frequency: Annually (published September 2020)

Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)